Terms and Conditions

Please read the below terms and conditions before using the VSC Nutrition site. By entering this site, you agree to these terms, including the disclaimers that are listed below. If you are not willing to agree to these terms, conditions, and disclaimers, you may not use theVSC Nutrition’s site. Your use of this site is deemed your acceptance of the below terms and conditions, and when you enter theVSC Nutrition site, you also acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the details described in our Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy.

All materials displayed on this site including text, literature, graphics, images, HTML, videos, multimedia clips, Java codes, logos, banners, and button icons are copywrited property of the VSC Nutrition. All content herein may not be copied, distributed, altered, or transmitted in any way without the prior written consent of theVSC Nutrition. All materials have been posted on our site solely for personal, non-commercial use, and the VSC Nutrition reserves complete ownership of all materials downloaded from this site.


The VSC Nutrition provides information explaining how nutraceutical supplements support the healthy function of the human body. All information is provided for information purposes only, and is not meant to be used to diagnose any illnesses. The health and scientific information should not replace the advice provided by your qualified healthcare provider.

The statements on our site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and no materials on our site are intended to imply that products and supplements can replace drugs or medications. The dietary supplements displayed on our site have not undergone any evaluation by the United States Food and Drug Administration, or any similar agencies from additional countries. The dietary supplements and these product descriptions listed on this site should not be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any human health disease or illness.

The VSC Nutrition strives to offer the most up to date and accurate information regarding human health, scientific studies, research and testing data, and dietary supplements, however, the we make no warranties to the effectiveness of materials contained on our site. The VSC Nutrition takes no legal responsibility or accountability for any harm or damages that may result from errors in the materials listed on this site. In an attempt to offer viewers the most advanced information, we reserve the right to continuously update our site including adding, deleting, and modifying the current site materials. Any questions regarding your human health should be directed towards a qualified healthcare physician.